Combatting stress in the workplace to improve employee engagement

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In this webinar we explore
  • Stress: spotting the first signs of stress within the workplace
  • Happiness: the key to business success
  • Culture: embedding a positive and open culture within your business
  • Employee engagement: top tips you can implement straightaway

For Mental Health Awareness Week (14 – 20th May), Mental Health Foundation is focusing on ‘Stress: are we coping?’. Stress affects every one of us in different ways, and its damaging effects can be especially prevalent in the workplace.

Ensuring a happy working environment for employees is integral in a world with increasing mental health awareness. Now more than ever, the spotlight is being turned on employers to provide that all-important work-life balance. But how can you spot the first signs of stress, and what are you doing to combat its effects?

This insightful webinar will guide you through the different signs of stress, helping you spot tell-tale indicators that your workforce is feeling the heat, while providing lots of handy tips that you can implement to build a happier working environment.

Communication is a critical way to reduce stress (especially intrapersonal communication examples such as self-reflection), so don’t this this chance to implement stress reduction for your colleagues.