Is there still a place for Facebook in the workplace?
Following Meta’s decision to shut down Workplace, this article charts the rise and fall of the platform once dubbed ‘Facebook at Work’, and...
Read the article9 Post(s) found for Tag: collaboration tools
Following Meta’s decision to shut down Workplace, this article charts the rise and fall of the platform once dubbed ‘Facebook at Work’, and...
Read the articleAn intranet may have many different uses and meanings depending on the company’s objectives and principles, but one notion never changes – an...
Read the articleMore employees than ever are now working remotely, and they are doing so for longer periods of time according to research published by Gallup earlier this...
Read the articleWith the constant evolution of technology, it’s unsurprising to learn that the number of people opting to work from home has risen steadily over the last...
Read the articleStop worrying about what people might say…worry about what they aren’t. So, you’re sat in front of your execs, ready to pitch. Your weeks of...
Read the articleJust last month we were still in the grips of 2016, captivated by political change and an unfortunate number of celebrity deaths. The holidays have since...
Read the articleThere’s no such thing as simple “collaboration” anymore. The new electronic paradigm forces us to reconsider how we collaborate and what we...
Read the articleDeploying collaborative technologies to drive better staff engagement and improve patient outcomes The UK healthcare system is defined by one key element:...
Read the articleThe history of the intranet is a winding path that spawned many other technologies and internal communications tools along the...
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