Accessibility Initiative

At Interact, we believe that accessibility is not just a feature, but a fundamental aspect of user experience that benefits everyone. Our Accessibility Initiative is designed to ensure a seamless and inclusive user experience for as many people as possible. By embedding accessibility into our core processes, we are not only meeting regulatory requirements but also fostering a more inclusive digital environment. This initiative consolidates our position as the leader in accessible intranet software, strengthening our customer relationships, and ultimately driving business growth through better service delivery.

This approach includes several strategies that are currently being implemented within the organization:

  • Hiring and training: We hire specialist staff to produce and maintain our accessibility strategies. We also train existing staff on the most current WCAG 2.2 criteria to support and action our initiatives. We train staff to design, code, and test for accessibility throughout each stage of the product development lifecycle.
  • Audits and assessments: We perform continuous automated and manual tests to identify non-compliant WCAG criteria across all of our digital touchpoints. This testing is performed by both internal and third-party auditors like DAC (Digital Accessibility Centre). We work with our customers to raise failed criteria with us. When identified, our dedicated team assesses the issues against WCAG 2.2 criteria and evaluates for any impact on user experience. For the results of our most recent external audit, please download DAC’s Accessibility Audit Report for Interact Software.
  • Issue prioritization and planning: Each identified non-compliant criterion is evaluated for severity and user impact. These issues are then prioritised based on a combination of WCAG impact level (A, AA), user experience impact, and fix complexity. Due to the age of our product, we carry some legacy features and functions that we continuously work to upgrade and replace over time. If WCAG criteria would be solved by a planned upgrade or feature replacement, we may delay its resolution to align with the scheduled replacement. We will always prioritize fixing criteria that inhibit primary functionality/experiences over secondary features or enhancements.
  • Issue remediation: We are committed to demonstrating our progress toward compliance on a regular basis through documents such as our latest VPAT. Our documentation will demonstrate the reasonable adjustments made during each year to meet the standards within reasonable timeframes.
  • Consistent progress toward compliance: Our ultimate goal is to come as close to achieving WCAG 2.2 AA compliance as possible, while striving toward AAA compliance. We are making consistent progress toward this goal by systematically addressing and resolving accessibility issues. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our products and services become increasingly accessible over time.
  • Public documentation and accessibility statements: We provide comprehensive public documentation of our accessibility audits and progress. This includes an annual VPAT Report as per Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act. These documents serve to inform our customers and stakeholders of our ongoing efforts and achievements in accessibility.
  • Comprehensive design and development documentation: We are integrating highly comprehensive accessibility documentation into our design systems and development frameworks. This ensures that accessibility considerations are embedded in every stage of our product development process, leading to more inclusive and user-friendly digital resources and product features.

Client support: We are in the process of improving customer self-service via our Bug Roadmap. We are also exploring new self-service tools and additional service opportunities to support our clients on their own accessibility journeys, helping them achieve their own accessibility goals.

Together, we are creating a more inclusive digital world for everyone.

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