Enterprise 2.0 Conference – Day two summary

The keynotes at Enterprise 2.0 were outstanding on day two. The day was kick started by Lee Bryant (@leebryant) from Headshift. His talk titled data driven business improvement gave a real insight into how open data in the enterprise can drive positive behaviour change – see his slides here in Lee Byant’s blog following the talk:



We can’t wait for Interaction 2011 to see you on the stage again Lee. Other highlights from the key notes are best summarised in the following quotes:

Sara Roberts (@robertsGolden) spoke about giving people a voice in the organisation – as they are running the company – ask them for their opinion and ensure you create a culture that allows then to express their opinion without redress. She asked a great question of everyone “You can all make info flow down but can you make knowledge flow up?”

Ross Mayfield (@ross) from SlideShare and Co-founder of Socialtext made a statement that resonates with all the guys here at Interact – “You should be able to find content through people and people through content“. Something that our intelligent intranet software strives to achieve. His final thought was one that resonated throughout the last 2 days – Collaboration can’t exist without a goal.

Bert Sandie (@bsandie) from electronic arts made an interesting statement, “The environment people work in is key – it can physically move somebody to engage in collaboration.” He showed some slides of the offices at Electronic Arts – inspiring work areas.

Emilie Koipp (@iEmilie) from National Instruments had an interesting point about blogging externally. Techs in NI have to attend blog college first. Something that everyone should probably take note of. She also made a key point around communities – saying that if customers are more active in a community they are more likely to purchase products.

Jamie Pappas (@jamiepappas) from AMP Agency for me gave the talk of the day. Encouraging people to embrace Enterprise 2.0. No 2 quotes some this up more eloquently than ‘Employees don’t share misinformation – they don’t come to work to get fired‘ and ‘Execs hate Facebook in the workplace until you say – let’s use it for recruitment – this gives it a need and value in the enterprise’

Finally the day ended with a meet up with the Community Backchannel guys – A group of online community professionals where ideas are shared openly, help is freely given, and supportive, collegial relationships are forged. To find out more follow (@cmtybc)

I’m really excited about how Enterprise 2.0 is growing and the impact differences in the US, UK and Europe.